If you sign up for our free story email list, we’ll send stories right to your email inbox about 2 to 3 times per month. As we grow, we hope to increase the frequency over time.
You can opt-out of receiving these stories at any time. Every email we send has a safe, easy opt-out link near the bottom.
We do not share your email address with any third party other than our email list maintenance company, Mailchimp.com. They also will not share it and will use it only to provide services like sending the emails you have explicitly opted-in to receive, providing opt-out services, etc. Mailchimp is a leader in email safety and security.
Authors of Stories
The stories we send you may be stories by Peter S. Drang, or may be stories from other professional science fiction and fantasy authors. If we post another author’s story, you can be sure we have permission and a legal contract with that author. We believe authors should have control over their works and we’d never pirate any stories.
Genre and Length
The stories will typically be science fiction, fantasy, or horror with a supernatural element and they will be fairly short, 500 to 1500 words in most cases (about a 3 to 8 minute reading time).
Content “Rating”
We don’t use a rating agency, but we try to adhere to the guidelines in this section.
We won’t send you slasher stories or other stories with explicit or graphic violence, stories with explicit sexual content (there may be sexual situations, implied sexuality, or sex scenes that are not detailed), or stories with frequent use of expletives. There won’t be any F-words, for example. There may be an occasional S-word if it fits with the story. Think of the stories as basically PG maybe with a word or two that go slightly beyond PG. If we decide to post a story that violates any of these rules, we’ll have a content warning at the top of the email.