Creative Exercise: Sentence Blurting

Here’s an interesting way to warm up before writing: I call it Sentence Blurting. Occasionally this exercise results in an idea for a story or a scene, but I use it mainly just to put myself into a writing frame of mind.

The goal is to write a sentence that has these attributes:

  • It contains no commas or other punctuation besides a single period at the end.
  • There’s exactly one adjective modifying every noun.
  • Use few or no adverbs.
  • The sentence should not be utter nonsense, it should paint a picture that is plausible and coherent within the genre you’re writing. So an SF sentence could include multiheaded aliens, a fantasy sentence could involve dragons.
  • The sentence should be 20 to 30 words long. This means it’s going to probably have several clauses. But try not to join together clauses with “and” or “or”–try to make it one single picture.
  • Dig deeply into your vocabulary.
  • Do not plan out the sentence! Just start writing and keep going until it naturally peters out.
  • Ideally, it has nothing to do with any of your current projects. It’s a free-floating sentence not tied to anything at all.
  • If you’re spending more than 5 minutes on one of these sentences, you’re doing it wrong.

After some practice, try to write out the sentence in one fell swoop without having to back up and revise, or with very minimal revision. You can get to the point where the semi-random sentence just comes out of you needing no revision most of the time.

Write three or four sentences as a warm up exercise, and don’t repeat words in any two sentences (other than articles, pronouns, etc.)

Please note that I’m not suggesting sentences this long or complex (or full of twenty dollar words) should be actually used in your stories. This is a creative exercise to get your writing juices flowing. When writing for real, let your judgment be your guide.


Sentimental trinkets adorned her modern façade as tepid reminders of forlorn days amidst the indigenous fauna rampant along the rocky coastline that bordered an irredeemable sea.

The mortified proprietor endured specious hecklers who inappropriately circumnavigated her austere abode while flaunting ostentatious placards which promoted willful dissent.

His interminable meanderings predestined a noxious maleficence replete with unendurable accolades whose propensity for unmitigated self-centeredness abounded in his left hand’s uncontainable flourishes.

Well that last one is pretty sketchy, but you get the idea!

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