Flame Tree Press Publishes “Truth Fly”

My story “Truth Fly, Don’t Bother Me” was published today in Flame Tree Press’s newsletter. If you don’t subscribe to the newsletter you should see it show up on their website pretty soon.

This sale took me by complete surprise! This was only the third market I sent this story to (it was declined by F&SF and Flash Fiction Online). I’m very happy to get into Flame Tree Press, a respected Pro market based in London.

I’m travelling this week and got the notice just two days ago. I had to scramble to get the contract signed while on the road (they pick their monthly newsletter stories only a couple of days before it goes out). The eight hour time difference between LA and London also led to some slight communication difficulties, but hey we got it done.

I’ll be back home tomorrow, and will post story notes when Flame Tree Press posts it to their front page (probably within a few days).

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