Kudos to ZNB: Four Author’s Copies is Three More than I’ve Ever Received Before

Zombies Need Brains, LLC (ZNB) is a classy publisher. I’ve just received two trade paperback copies of their antho “When Worlds Collide” (in addition to the two mass market paperback copies I received previously). This antho contains one of my stories (“The Darithian Life Cycle”). They even threw in two cool promotional bookmarks. All this, and they also paid a pro rate, and paid promptly too.

To get your own copy, you can find this great antho in kindle and paperback at Amazon here: When Worlds Collide at Amazon.

You can also order from the publisher directly, and they do make a bit more if you do that. Here’s their store: ZNB Store.

Publishers who do a great job and treat their authors’ right should be rewarded!

These days, most short story publishers are online only, so there aren’t many physical author’s copies to be had. Even when a publisher has a paper version of their magazine/antho, it’s not uncommon to give the author an ebook version as their “author’s copy”. (Okay, while appreciated, let’s face it, it isn’t the same thing.) In fact, the last time I got a physical copy of one of my stories from a publisher was 2001 (Challenging Destiny Magazine for my story “Weed”). Not kidding, twenty years ago. And that was just one copy, not four!

So kudos to ZNB! I’ll be submitting to their future projects for sure.

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