The Arcanist Buys “Principles of Advanced Cover Crop Design”

The Arcanist, a pro level SF/F online magazine, just bought my flash story “Principles of Advanced Cover Crop Design.”

I’ve always enjoyed the weekly stories that The Arcanist sends to my inbox (you can sign up for the free stories at their website.) So they’ve been high on my list of “want to sell to” markets for quite some time. They just recently changed from semipro to full pro rates at 10 cents per word (minimum is 8 cents right now but they also buy audio rights so they pay a bit more.) So I’m actually glad it took me a year to get in, as now I get a pro credit as opposed to a semipro credit.

So far in 2021 I have three pro sales (Flash Fiction Online, ZNB’s antho “When Worlds Collide”, and now The Arcanist) and one semipro sale (Dreamforge, which at 6 cents per word is one of the higher paying semipro markets). And hey, there’s still a good chunk of the year left so let’s see what happens.

I’ll have story notes for this one after it’s published on September 3.

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