Nature: Futures Buys “Zeroing Out His Wave Function”

Nature: Futures a pro level SF/F online market, just bought my flash story “Zeroing Out His Wave Function.”

Nature: Futures is a special feature of the premier science journal Nature. They mainly publish peer reviewed journal articles on hardcore science topics, and are considered one of the most prestigious journals. Once a week they also publish a “hard” science fiction story. (They define this as a story having a speculative science element that is essential to the plot. They are a little looser on the “hard” part than some other places, for instance Analog, as the science can be very speculative in Nature from time to time.)

The story they purchased will appear sometime in the coming weeks on their website. I’ll have story notes after it’s published.

This is a science fiction story where weird quantum effects (entanglement and nonlocality) occur at a human-size scale. Against that backdrop, a woman tries desperately to exit an abusive relationship, her own personal entanglement, while struggling to understand the rules of the new quantum reality that’s changed the world. And all that is packed into just 949 words.

I’ve been submitting to Nature for nearly two years, this was my seventh attempt to make a sale there. I am thrilled to have finally made it into this premier science journal!

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